We just want to spoil! Here's another post on the festivities of the day XDD
Today is December 25 ... It's Christmas, which is the date in which conventional celebrates the birth of Jesus. What does it mean for an atheist celebrate one of the most important festivals of Christian worship? Or rather, why should an atheist celebrate Christmas?
This question actually I was raised last year after receiving a message from my friend Julia ... among other things, that memory I have, eh? XD Actually I
Christmas, as Christian holidays, celebrating not more (as I mentioned there the other day ...). You will be surprised to know however that some years ago (a bit to tell the truth ... about ten and push) even sing in church on Christmas Eve. Right now would not make sense to me ...
But at home you do the tree, gifts are exchanged, make lunches and dinners from December 24 until 26. And I do not see why I should refuse to continue the tradition. It 's true, for me those days are totally unrelated to religion and perhaps that I should not celebrate, being godless and lacking perhaps (in part) compared to those who believe. But for me this holiday season has purchased over the years a special meaning for me, Christmas means family, not the "holy family", but my non-traditional, rickety and wonderful family. Days 24 to 26 are devoted to them. And friends of course.
So let me also to wish that an atheist (again XD) ... I wish you there for the "birthday Jesu", but that we spend these holidays with loved ones.
Ps: but did you know that in the past to December 25 was the united Dies Natalis Solis Invicti , or the birth of the Unconquered Sun (never won)? I have a page linked Christian, so as not to seem to want to advertise only to sites that I like and I share ideas.
Because they failed to "root out this pagan festival, spiritualized the Church in Rome as the feast of the Nativity," the Sun of justice arose in Bethlehem "... exact words ... In reality, then you are simply celebrating the birth of Sun .. or better Elagabulus , Mitra and G. .. and Who knows how many other pagan gods ....... Well, congratulations XD
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