WARNING: post high in complaints!

have some disappointments in life is normal. Indeed, one could say that it is healthy to have it: they are the disappointments that make you open your eyes to the world, the real one, forces you to look inside and face the harsh reality. In one sentence: they make you grow.
I know, seems to rhetoric, hot air, those things that fill their mouths when adults want to talk about maturity and immaturity ... but think about it, no, not rhetoric.
The problem is that, as we thank these disappointments (or the people who cause them), we can never do it with sincerity. The banal truth (trivial because it is an absolute for everyone, so it's trivial to say) is that it is bad: even the smallest disappointment we feel pain, discomfort. E 'is the price of maturity. To think that this pain, good or bad, is not there served makes it more fun or less painful.
The intensity and size of these injuries depend on the investment that you do, in terms of expectations, the cause of them, those involving human relationships, of course, leave their mark a little more deep.
Today, with systems of mass communication, the social gathering is likely to push the highest standard: there are no more barriers or physical or language, socializing has never been so easy. Just click to become friends with a person on the other side of the world without leaving home (and without necessarily knowing another language).
Some will say that it is not possible to establish virtual friendship, two people on the Internet can never have a friendship that is as important as real ones. Far from it.
It 's true, there is a physical place.
It 's true, people only really know face to face.
It 's true, the web is the leading cause of misunderstandings.
But it is also true that you do not need a physical place to plant and cultivate social relationships and that 50% of cases no objection to meet outside, in the real world, where the ratio is enriched by the real presence and the possibility of eliminate misunderstandings.
So you often create beautiful relationships through the internet.
But it is also true that the reports do not always these are really beautiful and they are sincere and selfless. How, after all, happens in normal everyday life.
That's why I started the conversation talking about the disappointment. I realized I had too much invested in two (to start) virtual friendships today .. turned out to be one-way. Or better. I understand that the other side there was the same desire to continue in words what it was a beautiful friendship ... the bad thing is that the understanding of what has passed through the silence, absence, misunderstandings facebookiani .
E 'bad when you realize you do not count the people who matter to you. It is even more ugly realize other people had left out to chase the nothing.
Now "are great," and in this case, thank you my previous disappointments that I have provided a better armor and I can resize things: resize the disappointment and look ahead.
Returning to my list of good intentions, one of the points related to the desire to spend more time with people that really matter ... but I should add a clause: exclude those that have proved a disappointment .
I'm tired of being "used" for advice and help for a mere sop (being considered).
And for once I do not want to be here to list my faults (which I do not deny there have been) ... for once I just want to say enough is enough! Just a lot of people who forget the others as soon as they cease to be useful!
I know that life brings you to have two hundred thousand human relationships, commitments and sometimes lose out because of the limited time available for Dedicarcisi ... I myself neglected many of the people I love (and I'm an idiot, I know) ... but it is also true that someone who loves you ultimately would seek, perhaps just to say "hey bitch you did it end?", only two to tell you crap, just to know if you're good ... maybe you do it once every two months ... but you do it!
But you realize that that person on you inevitably place of expectations, in reality, you look for when you make them comfortable, because when you realize that you feel is just to ask something.
I never claimed that I tried it every two minutes, I had to dedicate more time ... because I myself am a reliable person from that point of view ... just a test not only be the one to turn to for technical advice or favors of any kind.
And the cosplay? Which centers around this? E 'from Lucca that I began to meditate on the world cosplay and friendships that develop. If you talk to a cosplayer and asks: "what is one of the positive points of being part of the community cosplayer?" Certainly say, "you have the opportunity to meet great people and make you many friends !"... but is it really?
Sure! I do not doubt it ... but my personal experience leads me to insert a note to this postulate:
- you have enough time to participate actively in the forum
- you must not miss the social events more
IN - you must always be available
- you have to be part of a circle to get some more "friends."
Just skip one of these points and six ... out!
In particular, the number 2 ... For those who like me has to throw thousands of euro in new costumes sensational and train tickets and fairs, to stay at home preclude the possibility of cultivating a social life in the World Cosplay and make friends worthy of the role!
A little pathetic ... but is not it the truth?
I met so many wonderful people through this hobby .... really, I do not say so to speak!
People solar, cheerful, helpful, with whom I spent some wonderful days at the end ... but there's never time to deepen friendship ...
And if it happens, in many cases, happen to have anything to do with people who are all for a while and then amicheamiche So much (except of course those friends and those friends who are such regardless of cosplay and I was lucky enough to attend and meet in real life) ... To say nothing of those who eclipse when you leave you a little bit (and never let them take a step toward you).
As I said, are great ... but a bitter taste remains for now and I have not found a candy that let me go ...
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