Every time I tried to tell someone that this souls is a crap, I have received, in varying order, following the usual practice of accusations from the first episode. Before continuing, let's clarify some points, so at least save me some hate mail in the first Gainax fanboysta cabbage passing.
"Odes S & P because of the graphic style inspired by western be a masterpiece to show to students at school. Regarding the second point, I saw a shitload of stuff from America and basically I liked.
"There he is! The usual hateboy Gainax! Never miss an opportunity to insult the best company EVER!"
Although I am of the view that Gainax is not exactly worthy of all the success it has had (on up, she too has made its filth, do not pretend not to see them. Evangelion And it broke after fuck 15 years) no, not hate Gainax. Regardless of the study do not hate anyone (well, maybe a little Deen, but she also has very nice to look at stuff).
"You do not understand the subtle metatext narrative that attempts to shake up the world of moe, going to bang the heads of otaku have come to look just the same old commercial shit and evil! The deep themes and bring a clear message of gender equality between men and women [... bla bla. The last part is true, eh, do not invent anything] "
there really someone out there willing to swear that this is trying to be an anime deep? Why an anime to revolutionize the animation must do so by bringing thirteen episodes of vomiting, diarrhea and sad jokes about sex, repeated again and again and again, all seasoned with constant insults and scurrilous words pronounced in Engrish because they cool? And 'This is the narrative power wapanese?
Bullshit! E 'exaggerated because of that! To move the industry does not need good storylines and good characters, it takes something extreme! "
Exactly, you answered yourself.
step further, it?
Daten City is a city made up of quotations, in-jokes, populated by stupid people (surely a metaphor for the public), whose survival is threatened by the terrible Ghosts, evil and demonic creatures emerged because people are so so wicked. God decides to clean up, in his infinite wisdom, to send two angels protectors: Panty, a slut who likes to fuck so much that fights turning his guns in his underwear and Stocking, his sweet imouto who like sweets so much, he dresses as a gothic lolita and transforming its scaldagambe fights (yes, are scaldagambe) in Katana. But do not expect an epic anime in which our heroines go around breaking the butts of these spectra since this is nothing more than a subplot. So what about the anime?
's right, the anime has to talk about something. Well, in the Western tradition to which wapanesi they were inspired, each episode is divided into two sottoepisodi, each for reasons mystical cast uses completely different (or at least with roles in somehow switch) and use this excuse to groped to make every episode a particular "experiment in animation." The result is literally invisible with the exception of a few specific episodes that are out of context so as to cause pain in the viewer while watching (honorable mention Chuck all'orripilante to the Future). The story is virtually nonexistent, but this would not in itself a major flaw were it not that every episode is so radically different from the previous, making it all a big jumble of characters and situations. There is a minimum of narrative continuity, but since the purpose is certainly not this, not even the authors we have really put effort.

enough. The anime has nothing to tell (perhaps because of this that contains quotes about quotations? Totally unnecessary addition) and at the same time, the review has little to say.
Good night and good luck.
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