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Soul Link # 2 1 # 2 Daily Nonsense
It kind audience, here we are again under the spotlight - and that limelight, friends from home! space stations, international intrigues and secret wars we face in the very first episode of soul link. Or at least they would if this were not an anime shit.
As you can see already by the initials, soul link comes out straight from the worst Chinese copy shops of the early nineties, whose faded signs are clearly visible in the GC by the clear feeling that the Amiga and the chara design wastes no time shows us immediately fine examples of quality. The problem is that the anime is not '94, but 2006. What a joy. But let's get to the point: from what streetwise reviewer, Ukyo knew that in the first episode of this delight does not happen very often part of a strain in the usual wagon stereotypes and crap that is hard to beat and therefore it is concerned leaving me to check the "honor" to review this sparkling show. Do
bit painful twenty minutes spent in front of the notepad trying to produrmi into something vaguely hilarious about the pantyshots I decided that instead of wasting precious glucose producing a bad collage (you understood the true glucose and collage! Glucose that is not c 'enters a saw but as glu glue and glue as you say ... ... ... * ahem * COFF) of mediocre jokes, would be more' interesting to involve the public in something more 'direct and funny: the quality rebus!
The play works like this: a long review found small puzzles with one or two pictures of suggestion and a rebus that conceals the answer, and those who participate in posting the correct answers in the comments he gets a stiff surprise prize.
Forward, then with our first game. The episode begins with several minutes of futility in which the characters in this trentordici abortion we are shown through a succession of bad shots and broken phrases of their running aimlessly into a spaceport, which obtained the excellent result of us not understand a saw who the hell is this about people other than the fact that they are definitely a bunch of retards and / or people who would like to be pussy but faila miserably. Since there really too many people in here I decided to combine business with pleasure rehearsing my knowledge gained from Greek mythology god of war (the grammar schools were never close, I was too busy to draw quality market stalls and make jokes to the girls' room). Our protagonist (as long as it is) will then be called Hector. Its nice fellow co-star, to stay on the Hellenic, the call Troy. As you can see, while Hector immediately shows us his qualities as a zombie, Troy neatly ignores the warnings of janitors and rushes with rapid pace in the corridors of the airport in search of the said Hector. guess who's going to happen? since it is the first question, the puzzle is easy:
After this nice little scene and other assorted bullshit, our heroes finally start Aires for the amazing space station, the cornerstone of humanity in space where thirteen are trained to war for reasons unspecified. The entire scene is reproduced with the fantastic modern technical means provided by information as you can see the beautiful screenshot, which provides us with excellent material for the second puzzle. In this round the quiz is a little bit more 'difficult to interpret, but conversely the image suggestion seems more' that provides us with many clues to the riddle. Once on the space station, our group of unfortunates began his amazing training that includes terrible tasks such as shoot in holographic images with real firearms as well as floating with no apparent purpose in an antigravity chamber. Meanwhile, a mystery girl let's call Shion tries to infiltrate deep into the space station to remove power to the tractor beam, but they are not trained in the arts is Jedi
caught by a guard which no more questions' about the presence of both a civilian in a maximum security and lets her go without saying a word. Ahem. At this point the film takes us back in the first spaceport where a new wave of idiot is trying to embark into this blessed space station, and then make the acquaintance of more stereotypical co-stars, as well as the team of bad guys, we know to be such as the mysterious splash screen is Spoilerati by mid-points and the fact that instead of talking normally continually whispering in conspiratorial tone, as well as being dressed as Russian terrorists emerged from a Rambo movie. The announcement of the landing of these idiots, especially the third co-star that we call Herod is a matter of obvious shock at the fourth co-star, called Gertrude, who can not 'fail to independently produce large quantities of light to only hear the name of Herod. Who knows why, but all this leads me to guess what will soon happen between these two, which is the subject of our third riddle: The episode ends with this poignant moment of peace and love certainly unpaid. As usual, qu el
that allowed us to get through such a vale of tears is the presence of a well-known voice actor who manages to make it worthwhile even though the episode is about ten seconds and no screen . Unfortunately, his presence there, too, that this spoiler is a bad character, because if there is an evil mastermind somewhere, they always dub him. The last puzzle concerns the very identity of that voice actor, which I think at this point very easy to guess:
and with this I'm going to play Zelda.
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