Shin Megami Raimuiro Since it is evening by vidya (hard mode, hahaha), I launched with great desire on Raimuiro Senkitan # 2.
today's episode opens, as the tradition of the soul-sick, with a pathetic attempt by the writers to make us believe that there is the plot: We see a bunch of loli who say sentences without a subject referring to a mysterious princess who must awaken from this wtf dream. Meanwhile, back to more important things such as give us sensible explanations of why in the previous episode our heroes have been delayed in lavish delight with wonderful fighting for CG on their personas. Or as they call them, Raimu. We learn that the group of girls is usually a member of the elite super super super secret that will not tell you that is so secret that the entire battalion by the name of "zero" in Japan and nobody has the faintest idea who he is. Obviously these are mighty heroes in charge of defending the nation, for this have been equipped with the best military technology: the frigate nonmiricordo name, a wonderful piece of antique that does not sink just because it is in the midst of rocks and has more rust wrought iron gate fitted by my great-grandfather in the countryside. The battalion is born free to respond to the presence in enemy territory, these spirits seem to fly reinforcements. That's cool.
In all this what the fuck c'azzecca nice guy (well, maybe not good) the previous episode? Absolutely shit, because they are told immediately, "Remember you're just a teacher, so stay in your place and dick ", because the army is a cool place where everyone what it deserves. However, the guy is very well suck, from what the 'problems is a trivial question: "What is a school stracazzo aboard a rusty ship?." No one sensible answer, of course, apart from a ridiculous grounds that the girls wanted so much, have a teacher. Ok.
Just stuff seriously what the fuck. It 's time to go to school! Our young teacher in class is led by the young Red retarded (since each has a color, you might as well use that) in less than three minutes showing us countless times his underwear and even a bit 'of cameltoe (softporn providers will become, I will tell you)! Since these girls dying to go to school, the reaction is one beautiful day, as the appeal is a kind of titanic undertaking: Red does not know what an appeal, trips and shows us his underwear, the tomboy Green makes the offense and refuses to answer questions from the teacher, causing the wrath dell'ojou-sama Viola and burst into tears by the boob Miko White, finally, our Hime-sama, violate her as well (oh fuck ), shows great enthusiasm in setting the dust particles. Ah, how nice to be in school.
As our heroines do not have a personality, is now Jokes clear what the applicants probably will be repeated until the end of the same series:
-Red: is a idiot and every time he shows his underwear walking
-Tomboy & Miko: The miko says something stupid, the tomboy is angry and cries miko (we are an 8-minute episode and it's already happened three times in the same scene)
-Torototele The princess is always silent and stared at the people and this, for some reason, are uncomfortable with the professor ( strange that the student you fixed it?)
The bitch-aristocratic laughs like an idiot, boasting of his superior knowledge and various jokes all.
From the next episode I will try to count the occurrences of each of these stereotypes so we can have a laugh. Not today because it would mean meeting you again this episode.
Bla bla, plot purposes: mystic girl is sleeping and is the major project of wtf can not start without her waking. Meanwhile, more serious things: the hero goes to the bathroom and there's the usual stereotype of the cock. What? But yes, a beautiful woman enters the bathroom and the main character is a homosexual, I HAD ENOUGH to describe scenes ste, riguardatevi any other anime, and you have already reviewed the stencil. Following the scene incredibly deep POVRE how these girls are suffering because much forced to be soldiers and how you put the pork damn school is a kind of expiation of the central command because so ste dementia may have the illusion of being normal girls and shit. Next scene? Pantyshot, of course.
The bitch has used the test to make origami. "But .. it is the test." Answer: "You mean that I am the words on paper have meaning?"
What the fuck is this shit still long? I'd like to shoot. Soon. In fact, the usual bad guys wtf the attack and are then defeated as usual.
Ah, I forgot the best part: the professor is the loli, IF THE BROOM (yes, if the broom) and the ship comes to life. FLY WELL. God help me. And the commander, faced with all this nonsense, renunciation and is thrown down in the clouds. The coward has felt the smell of fail and fled.
do not blame him.