Happy New Year!
I did spend the holidays, I welcomed this 2011 ... and finally return to write! I've missed you blog!
And I come back talking about a fairly complex topic: sharing, or rather, stealing on the net ... Is that right? What is the difference between stealing and sharing? And how the hell I thought to tell you about this?
PROLOGUE: A few days ago, I wrote about a FB of the forum moderators who administer (voice-over "Administer a forum? Perdincibacco!" Yes, a forum, to be exact this ... then I'll get!) And informed me that one of his reviews had been stolen ....
This morning, however, also on FB, I came across a link to a blog in which they denounced others "theft".
But it is correct to talk about theft?
How many of you have shared images, phrases, aphorisms, thoughts, artwork, music and so on? You have always cited sources? Or do you have (in) elegantly omitted sources and author and, in addition, have passed "by chance" the file / digital reproduction like your work? or again, you have been victims of such behavior?
We have things in order.
For starters, it would be right to try to answer the question: What is the difference between stealing and sharing?
Sharing Network is the easiest thing in the world am: just pick something from some other virtual domain and return it to another. On Facebook there is even a button to speed up this operation (which allows you to share links or pictures to a bulletin board to another ... I say to those who were not accustomed).
This simple and apparently harmless, it becomes theft since you do not mention the author and breaks the work of others for our own. Ignoble! someone will say ... Of course, it is not, as is any theft committed in the real world.
Sharing is not only easy but it is beautiful: he finally has created a form of advertising for free and healthy. But it is only if you respect some simple "rules" is not legal, but good manners. Yes, because it often happens that the share is rude! I myself was often one of the Web rude. It becomes when you share things without citing sources and authors, and this very blog is full of images with no news on the source and author. It is not theft why do not you try to pass off the work of others as their own, there is bad faith, but you make "a stray towards who is the author instead," Mom "or" father "of that thing that we share. Sometimes it is absolutely impossible to go back to the true authorship, especially when it comes to photographic images or digital processing unsigned. But if all we try to at least mention the source from which we have taken the picture, contributing to "educate the web", or at least we could with the right part of the "educated hand" of the web.
Being an author myself, albeit a bit different, I understand the disappointment of those who see their "work" (Whatever that is) in the hands of someone else who gets the merit (sometimes for only a handful of "like" on feisbuc). I know what it means to "give birth" something, I know what it means to put effort ... but for me it's easy after all to uphold and claim authorship of my work, because what is on the net will always and only the digital reproduction of the original that I possess (and we all know well that is just in front of it that ' aura emanates .... ok, read Benjamin XD) ... For his writings, especially if the original is itself a digital playback in the network, and then shared with a simple copy and paste, is absolutely different! Try it yourself (and I did my little) keep a blog and write (but be careful, good writing!), undertaken to manufacture something that is pleasant and attractive to suggest emotions. It's not easy and it is absolutely worthy of respect, like any other talent. And 'bad then see the results of their efforts as a result of the genius of someone else. As you said
ms in a comment to the page I mentioned above, "at the bottom, the words you write, despite everything, you do not really ever have: once I let them go, they do things that you can not really expect "... is absolutely true, of course! And 'This is the beauty of words, are free from constraints. But that does not mean a set words can not be a boxed product and that the commitment to do so should not be recognized. I believe it is a duty. And, sure, I refer to these texts copied and pasted verbatim, not something that "looks like."
regard to the facts of the prologue at the end of the blog that people have "borrowed" the moderator of the review I mentioned, we are sorry and have corrected the lack of sources. The blog page I was talking about you the link instead here, because it is a "prayer of spreading" very attentive and polished.
In fact, it seems that this topic is dear to many inhabitants of the network, and maybe we'll end by saying all the same things .. but at least is a step forward to talk about it, no?
However, in my curiosity, I discovered another interesting page on the topic: http://checifaccioqui.wordpress.com/2011/01/09/dove-finisce-la-condivisione-e-inizia -lappropriazione-misappropriation-of-materials-online /
And the image I used in the opening instead comes from a site curiosisimo: http://writtenremains.altervista.org/2010/07 / steal-the-trees /
I recommend you visit, there are things that piss from laughing;)
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