Thursday, June 3, 2010

Remote Car Starters For Audi Allroad

Destination: Tokyo - the photos! Part 3

day 6

Aquarium highest in the world ... on the Sunshine City

are greeted by a strange animal origins of prehistoric fish I live in the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan ...

A beautiful smile ...

An elementary school ... in an aquarium?

pagurini ... i also have backpacks attached to the shell ................................. Odd ...... .........

Note the similarity in the profile! (Meanwhile, other fish is pushing against the wall of the tub ...)

The deafening salt-games with the pachinko!

Scent of a home?

And after a good meal, here's sake! Mask the employees drunk sitting next to us ...

day 7
Once in Ueno, we look for the park ...

... but not before a dive shop in yet / palace, the guardian of wonders nerdiane XD

The most coveted trophy: the ' action figure Oerba Yun Fang "only" 4200 yen (just under € 34) ... sin closer than the next day-_-

Ueno Koen

cherry white *_____*

Here bananas are covered with chocolate and colored sugar

have been temporarily adopted by this cute cat ... not for the banana chocolate in my hand, but for cuddling!

The fox control ...

Monument in memory of the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic decorated by origami crane

The temple is under restoration ... let's get a good picture of the facade and not talk about it anymore! (So \u200b\u200bdo we still XD)

The Museum of Traditional Japanese Arts glimpse of the splash of the fountain

Two buskers (bravissimi!) gather dozens of people in less than 5 minutes

Buildings Ueno

coconut with a straw and skewers of fresh fruit make it the day

Night falls on Ueno and light up the neon signs

Yakisoba: Q___________________________

itadakimasu いただきます * (ps: no, I'm naked! I have a tank top)

* thanks for the food ... could REPLACEMENT our "good appetite", but a spirit little different


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