Jun Maeda's Madness Okusama Wa Joshikousei
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Can I Breast Feed My Husband
this and this simultaneously. I guarantee you will not regret it (adjust the volume for your ultimate pleasure.) Today is a special day and I want a foretaste of the Shitstorm with the class that only a true gentleman proves that he (ie, sclera, and insulting behavior assuming that you will stand especially on bales). But first, a moment rompiamoci testes with yet another episode of ...

Tales of Eternia 09
(I know, the desire morivate)
In the previous episode we had learned how every few thousand years on this fucking island on which our heroes have arrived in a completely random and it's on everything from ancient ruins of Celestia monsters in ancient rituals, it runs the incredible ritual sperm float: the sea is dyed the color of the moon, women become whores (yes, this anime usually tend not to be, I'm just a little tsundere) and mysterious particles of a mysterious white substance fill the air. In this moment of surprise, the writers said they were "now impossible to achieve it: fill an entire episode of twenty minutes without anything happening." Summary in short: Ridd, that idiot of a protagonist, is brought on a mysterious rock and here is attacked by two members of the village that prove to be worshiped of Satan (called for convenience Nereidho or something, you are fresh to me concerns the episode). Not only worship the evil one are two of the three masked guys we see episodes and episodes (their true identities are those of a loli who disguises herself as a meter in height and gained a fish never seen before). Of course the assassination attempt was foiled (damn) for about the powerful evocation of spirits (which we do not know what they are or where they jump out of) the lunar loli fag and who managed the enterprise crowds were able to make sense the whole story!

While reading a book, have in fact read a legend: two thousand years ago, during the war between Celestia and Hell, a group of soldiers Celestian remained blocked because of the size of the tunnel plot Hax in the Underworld. The connection here is obvious and banal: the island on which we stand is the island where the ancient inhabitants of Celestia are trapped! Damn, how did we not get there first?
Ridd saved miraculously by the power of plot armor that allows him to parry an incoming knife behind her using her invisible arms (yes, it has invisible arms. Would not you know? Cocks contents) and, after being reached by his friends, prepares for final battle (The 9th episode). SPOILERS: THE BAD AND 'THE QUEEN OF THE ISLAND. Yes: the queen of the island wants revenge because 2000 (two thousand) years ago its people were left isolated on the island of shit. And I believe that this girl will feel very motivated to continue with a vengeance 80 generations old. The plan he has concocted to destroy the world is very simple: to capture the spirits of evocation (if oh well) and use them to cast Weather ... no that was a video game. I meant to say use them and cause the collapse of Celestia on Underworld. The logic escapes me get revenge by destroying your house, but to each his own.

And I'm supposed to believe that the character most useless of all the anime and the characters have met by chance in possession of that power. List barrels ass so far: girl meet random guys with unique power, are shipwrecked on the island inhabited by evil in case he needed a. Summoning the spirits, b. the girl with the power.
Sure summer is here.
ANGEL BEATS (Jesus Christ)
You may have heard of
Jun Maeda, a prolific author who has worked for the
Key , famous producer visual novels, specializing mainly in depressing stories. Perhaps you've met his other works, this type , this or this, works of great success and they are all united by the theme of bad luck: pray all the gods of the planet never to be reincarnated in a world described from this guy because you have the worst life ever. Maeda's characters tend to be teenagers full of hopes and dreams, but in pursuing them unable for any reason imaginable, often a psychological trauma of infinite extent (the father who raped you, your family dead and your home destroyed in a terrible fire, group of bandits that you torture killing sequence in all members of your family for the sheer fun of it, etc.) thinking in this way can we really imagine how anyone can feel in such situations disgusting. And it can hurt, since the result is just over a bizarre and pathetic attempts at random Moccia in understanding the psychology of adolescence. Fear not, more often these stories are filled with magic and fantasy elements are used to support the most improbable plot hax ever seen (and therefore often the loved one dies, but then resurrected or something like that), then take your suspension of disbelief and close it in a drawer that you should keep it for something more useful. If he did not understand, I hate this man. Tend to hate what he has produced and, in particular after this miscarriage of souls, I would like to stop writing. But this certainly does not affect me, because despite all my hate I moderately enjoyed and endured Clannad Kanon (more for comedy than anything else). I refuse to watch After Story Air and why I have these spoilers (because 4chan is useful at times?) And I'm not going to put up with such suffering, with all the good stuff I have on disk aside. But enough, let 's dive on this suffering.
Angel Beats is the soul that confirms once again that god (with a strictly lower case) is the largest troll in history. Suppose you are a Japanese boy (or girl, but does not suit you, despite all the crack you're willing to become the little girl and suck your onii-chan) and be dead, you will spend the rest of your life in a alternate dimension consists solely of a Japanese high school (although in reality you are nearing graduation) forced to take lessons for the rest of all eternity, until the gods above will not decide that you have done enough and you will receive a prize a free ticket to return to Earth, stripped of all your memories (possibly back to work by Maeda, so as to suffer because moar seems the Japanese have -9000 points of negative karma).
Otonashi The young man wakes up one day (even though it is actually night) of the Institute for zombie on the steps I mentioned earlier. Here he meets Haruhi clone 2.0b (tsundere is not enough), your generic schoolgirl armed with assault rifle. The girl, whose name Yuri - Yurippe - Mistress, proceeds to explain to him who died and who should join the dell'underworld Liberation Front, a group of fifteen boys armed with weapons of mass destruction that proceed to continue their personal war against God himself, in charge of them locked up in this limbo of fuck. The primary objective of the group killed in a brutal fashion a sweet white-haired girl named Kanade (SPOILERS OMFG) but all prefer to call Tenshi, allegedly sent by god himself to enforce order and discipline in limbo. "What is this shit" Otonashi think that, first of all, decide to go from girl to ask if he received assignments truly divine. Answer: "no." Ok guys, fine souls, we can leave. Immediately after this question, decided to Otonashi do dick and ask: "But are we really dead?". The answer to this question is to take a sword into the heart from the innocent girl. Really cool. Archer's Unlimited Blade Works. The base is then immediately destroyed to block the activities of Tenshi that, as president of the student council, work to ensure that no one will indulge in extra-curricular activities (obviously produce weapons fall into this category). Oh well.

Angel Beats is the soul that confirms once again that god (with a strictly lower case) is the largest troll in history. Suppose you are a Japanese boy (or girl, but does not suit you, despite all the crack you're willing to become the little girl and suck your onii-chan) and be dead, you will spend the rest of your life in a alternate dimension consists solely of a Japanese high school (although in reality you are nearing graduation) forced to take lessons for the rest of all eternity, until the gods above will not decide that you have done enough and you will receive a prize a free ticket to return to Earth, stripped of all your memories (possibly back to work by Maeda, so as to suffer because moar seems the Japanese have -9000 points of negative karma).

Otonashi The young man wakes up one day (even though it is actually night) of the Institute for zombie on the steps I mentioned earlier. Here he meets Haruhi clone 2.0b (tsundere is not enough), your generic schoolgirl armed with assault rifle. The girl, whose name Yuri - Yurippe - Mistress, proceeds to explain to him who died and who should join the dell'underworld Liberation Front, a group of fifteen boys armed with weapons of mass destruction that proceed to continue their personal war against God himself, in charge of them locked up in this limbo of fuck. The primary objective of the group killed in a brutal fashion a sweet white-haired girl named Kanade (SPOILERS OMFG) but all prefer to call Tenshi, allegedly sent by god himself to enforce order and discipline in limbo. "What is this shit" Otonashi think that, first of all, decide to go from girl to ask if he received assignments truly divine. Answer: "no." Ok guys, fine souls, we can leave. Immediately after this question, decided to Otonashi do dick and ask: "But are we really dead?". The answer to this question is to take a sword into the heart from the innocent girl. Really cool.
Otonashi wakes up the next day in the infirmary because, Derp, in this place you can not die (but you can feel the great pain) and now we meet the idiot side of this anime: the slapstick
(because is a technique well known works Maeda: place comic relief every twenty seconds to make you forget that this is a DRAMA). Lancer is in fact approached by a man armed with a halberd, which proceeds to mash with copious amounts of blood and to counter 100hit combo. Why yes, I suppose. Get ready: the anime is full of slapstick in every moment. Not that I necessarily make sense, but there is (because I repeat, you have to laugh). Accelerated after discussing with other members of the Liberation Front decided to join them until he recovers his memory (yes, no memory).
Allow time to accelerate.
The average spectator at this point that clings to hair suspension of disbelief in order to survive through the various and ridiculous crap that is served up in the first episode, including the pitfalls of hammers that appear out of nowhere to Tom & ; jerry military secrets and plans, which consist stealing food stamps from the dining room to the various classmates (and resulting in a nuclear war outside the gates of the school, no one, of course, nothing known thanks to concert j-pop fuck inserted at the last moment just to sell the usually insert song single).
Already at this point should start doing something "ding" in the brain of the beholder. For example, no characterization of the characters all fall into the stereotype of "character outline" is moe girl with the tooth that is useless, the guy who always gets angry, the wise and calm, a sort of ninja which is only able to mutter, haruhi and so on. The king stands on all of the characters, TK, which, however, will talk about later.
quickly summarize the story. The story is divided into "proto arc" that vary the useless than useless and should serve to give more character development in these soulless shells (too bad the episodes are only 12, making the attempt which seem neutral). In the first such arc, the characters are invited to reach the "Guild", a sort of secret base built in the bowels of the earth (twelve floors below ground to be exact) are produced and where the powerful weapons used by these fifteen. This place is inhabited mainly adults (remember this is important) and is the first point of the soul as you start to doubt the seriousness of the work: the series wants us to believe that the guild is a gigantic underground fortress-city located in a cavity of size reminiscent of the geo-front evangelical and vaguely similar to '
Allow time to accelerate.
The average spectator at this point that clings to hair suspension of disbelief in order to survive through the various and ridiculous crap that is served up in the first episode, including the pitfalls of hammers that appear out of nowhere to Tom & ; jerry military secrets and plans, which consist stealing food stamps from the dining room to the various classmates (and resulting in a nuclear war outside the gates of the school, no one, of course, nothing known thanks to concert j-pop fuck inserted at the last moment just to sell the usually insert song single).
Already at this point should start doing something "ding" in the brain of the beholder. For example, no characterization of the characters all fall into the stereotype of "character outline" is moe girl with the tooth that is useless, the guy who always gets angry, the wise and calm, a sort of ninja which is only able to mutter, haruhi and so on. The king stands on all of the characters, TK, which, however, will talk about later.

The plot begins to thicken in the episodes later: "But are we really sure that Kanade / Tenshi really bad? There has never done anything wrong, merely self-defense because we insist on launching them against cluster bombs every time he appears somewhere." Obviously this is an anime series B and so we know right now that is obviously so: Kanade is good, we are the bad guys, fuck us. The anime, however, we believe that the neurons of a child, and then temporarily puts aside the plot and is dedicated to creating a little 'the cheap drama. What is the cheap drama? And 'cheap drama when the soul wants to make you cry telling you the sad backstory of a character who does not know its name, is where this cheap drama backstory is too stupid, crazy unrealistic or trivial.
And I will tell you: this anime succeeds very well. There are in fact told the backstory sequence of Yuri (the thieves entered the house while he was still a child and kidnapped his family, killing one of them every 10 minutes until she was able to find something of value in the home) , a singer that nobody remembers the name (she liked to play, had an accident and was paralyzed and voiceless), a baseball player (he failed to recover a ball and killed himself by dint of drugs depression). And then of course there is the masterpiece of the incredible backstory Otonashi. The most pathetic, absurd and crazy cheap drama scene ever seen in an anime: Otonashi had a young sister died because she had the terrible disease called weak body (which can result in the even more terrible cold). Feeling unable to save even one life (and not able to use the human transmutation as taboo), the young Otonashi devotes its useless and pathetic existence to the study of medicine. But strangely enough, the very day they start fucking the medical school, the young man stuck in a train accident as a result of which lose his life. In short, he and a dozen people a week are being blocked in the tunnel without an exit route and Otonashi, sank forces begins to sign her pussy slip on organ donation "to be of help to someone in life." Tear-jerking scene: all the guys around him do the same thing (yes, I also want to give my heart, the cracks anyway!) And our hero lineage at the same moment when help arrives. Touching.

Suddenly, between a drama and the other, the writers seem to remember that this anime would maybe even a plot here and that explanations are given a couple of consolation: this limbo is not for everyone, but only for those children who have had a terrible childhood and a life without meeting and its purpose is to stay in this limbo until not be able to get what they desire. Of course, I demand an explanation why the Guild is full of ultra-boomers? Fear not, the anime does not make sense. After the revelation, Otonashi understand what is its purpose: that others are happy, then joins forces with Tenshi / Kanade (which yes, is a normal person as we suspected, and apparently knew well Yurippe, who says the opposite for the rest series) for virtually betray their friends and make them "disappear" all (or reincarnate after finding happiness). Their plan takes very little, however, because the scenggiatori have finished ide-temp-i-sold, what the is. After an arc intermediate (When he is announcing that a new character who becomes the head of the student council also becomes a god, a subplot that will never be more thorough and that viewers have apparently forgotten as soon as possible) here we get to the final lines: the mysterious shadows appear out of nowhere to catch you if you make a very bad thing: you devour your soul and you become an NPC, a good and honest schoolboy school, with no memory of what happened to you, forever. Faced with this chilling
future, our heroes are fighting. Accelerate even more: In this

Fortunately the anime is over.
Conclusion: In a scene which seem pathetic graduation, all the characters accept their fate this world is for their sake, fight against God is futile and you let things go how they go. With all the people disappeared and left only Otonashi and Kanade, a final plot point needs to be explained: Tenshi who is?

There really are no words can describe how pathetic and obscene this anime. On the one hand I would say to look the other not. E 'souls without a plot (appears and disappears at random) that alternates ridiculously dramatic moments (so much to go around and make you laugh) and too long sequences of slapstick and light comedy that seems very out of place. On all in fact, deserves the great figure of TK, it could be absurd to speak only in English that makes the anime a unique experience. UUUUUUoooh! I'll tell you more: if this anime was purely comic would never end I'm on the blog. But no, they wanted to piss off the potty and this is what you get caught. Even surprise over the technical side too: discrete animations, nothing special chara design (they spent all the money to animate the show the first episode). 2 / 10, disappear. So much that I broke my balls.
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