The April 17 in Parma event will take place the first national / international against all incinerators. For health, clean air, public water, territorial defense and the common good. ZERO WASTE STRATEGY!
Waste is a design flaw, not exist in nature, are the litmus test of a bad economic and social system. The fight for proper management of waste, or better resources, it is a struggle to give a future to new generations. It 'important to the presence of all those who fighting for protecting areas for new industrial and economic paradigms, respectively, of persons, environment, social gisutizia.
Our children will accuse us, whether to return them a poisoned territory.
Association "Proper Waste Management and Resource Coordination"
we also take part. Follow updates on the blog.
Info and departures from Rimini: lab.paz @
Da Rimini coach to show the Parma
meeting at 11.30 am at the parking entrance motorway, Rimini Nord
cost 10euro ticket reservations tel. 349 5666110
meeting at 11.30 am at the parking entrance motorway, Rimini Nord
cost 10euro ticket reservations tel. 349 5666110
Waste is a design flaw, not exist in nature, are the litmus test of a bad economic and social system. The fight for proper management of waste, or better resources, it is a struggle to give a future to new generations. It 'important to the presence of all those who fighting for protecting areas for new industrial and economic paradigms, respectively, of persons, environment, social gisutizia.
Our children will accuse us, whether to return them a poisoned territory.
Association "Proper Waste Management and Resource Coordination"
we also take part. Follow updates on the blog.
Info and departures from Rimini: lab.paz @
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