bus from Rimini Rimini - Committees excluded from the RAB requested audio recordings of sessions
newsRimini.it From the March 22, 2010
Tail of controversy for the last meeting of the RAB which took place in recent days in Coriano. A protest against the mayor, the committees that environmentalists complain that they were penalized
CORIANO to inform, as required by the practice - writing committees - the undersigned representatives of the committees elected in environmental RAB , Margherita Bologna and Sergio Valentini . "Distancing from what has been decided without our participation and will active confrontation, we must ask precisely for reasons of transparency the audio recording of each meeting of the RAB . In this way, citizens who have the right to access records that are public by regulation, may know more clearly the positions of each. Already too often been forgotten, the proposals made by some representatives of the people while is called to discuss topics reassuring for the authorities or like to Hera but not priority for us but we would like representatives of the people who first look at the data collection and how many materials from this are actually sent to the recycling chain. Always a priority we are interested in knowing when and how it will be renovated Akron a plant belonging to the equivalent of Hera ' incinerator. ______________________________ ____________________
What we say about Rab:
Read here
What he says about the HERA RAB: The RAB
(Residential Advisory Board) is an organized form of consultation between residents and businesses in urban areas surrounding the facilities managed by the companies themselves. The RAB
is usually a committee composed of residents near industrial facilities, representatives of the company that manages those facilities and representatives of institutions.
(from the site www.gruppohera.it)