Friday, March 26, 2010

Racquel Darrian Best Shot

Parma - National demonstration: NO INCINERATORS - YES TO HEALTH.

The April 17 in Parma event will take place the first national / international against all incinerators. For health, clean air, public water, territorial defense and the common good. ZERO WASTE STRATEGY!

Da Rimini coach to show the Parma
meeting at 11.30 am at the parking entrance motorway, Rimini Nord
cost 10euro ticket reservations tel. 349 5666110

In the valley the most polluted in Europe, the Po valley, in the capital of the Food Valley, Parma, want to build a large incinerator that will burn 130,000 tons. of waste per year. We want to decontaminate the Food Valley, with the reduction, reuse, recycling and extrusion of the final waste treatment ie no emissions into the atmosphere.

Waste is a design flaw, not exist in nature, are the litmus test of a bad economic and social system. The fight for proper management of waste, or better resources, it is a struggle to give a future to new generations. It 'important to the presence of all those who fighting for protecting areas for new industrial and economic paradigms, respectively, of persons, environment, social gisutizia.
Our children will accuse us, whether to return them a poisoned territory.
Association "Proper Waste Management and Resource Coordination"

we also take part. Follow updates on the blog.
Info and departures from Rimini: lab.paz @

Monday, March 22, 2010

How Much Dose Lanination Cost

bus from Rimini Rimini - Committees excluded from the RAB requested audio recordings of sessions From the March 22, 2010

Tail of controversy for the last meeting of the RAB which took place in recent days in Coriano. A protest against the mayor, the committees that environmentalists complain that they were penalized

CORIANO to inform, as required by the practice - writing committees - the undersigned representatives of the committees elected in environmental RAB , Margherita Bologna and Sergio Valentini . "Distancing from what has been decided without our participation and will active confrontation, we must ask precisely for reasons of transparency the audio recording of each meeting of the RAB . In this way, citizens who have the right to access records that are public by regulation, may know more clearly the positions of each. Already too often been forgotten, the proposals made by some representatives of the people while is called to discuss topics reassuring for the authorities or like to Hera but not priority for us but we would like representatives of the people who first look at the data collection and how many materials from this are actually sent to the recycling chain. Always a priority we are interested in knowing when and how it will be renovated Akron a plant belonging to the equivalent of Hera ' incinerator. ______________________________ ____________________

What we say about Rab:

Read here

What he says about the HERA RAB: The RAB
(Residential Advisory Board) is an organized form of consultation between residents and businesses in urban areas surrounding the facilities managed by the companies themselves. The RAB

is usually a committee composed of residents near industrial facilities, representatives of the company that manages those facilities and representatives of institutions.

(from the site

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Recording Pokemon Wifi Battles

Water, land and common property rebel is right.

Water, land and common property rebel is Towards the right

event of 20 March

Saturday, March 20 to attend the event National ripubblicizzazione water. We will do so with the aim to block the privatization of the management of water put into the field with the approval of the Ronchi decree by the Berlusconi government and drive out at the local corporations. Veolia, Hera, Eniacqua, Acea, Water Latina, ...


water, territory and municipality.
The battle against water privatization movement
Naples is one of the best experiences that remember the battle against water privatization in our paese.La victory of 2006, the mobilization that enabled us to bring thousands of people into the streets to stop the act of privatization of water in the integrated water ATO 2 (optimal territorial Naples - ...

Water common good, direct from the parade March 20, 2010 @ Roma

in defense of public water and public goods, and in the direct path streaming fm all day Saturday, March 20, 2010 March 20, 2010

National demonstration on a live web Romain - - and radiokairos.itin FM LIVE ON BOLOGNA RADIO FREQUENCY 105.85 on KAIROS from 14.00 onwards, schedules unificati.per follow directly from the web click here


Monday, March 15, 2010

Festiva Flea Market Rent

by Joint Action: Stop the police warming! climate activists for freedom! Call for action net Rimini - Copenhagen, the opportunity to reopen routes, synergies and networking between territory, common goods, answers to the economic crisis

Police Stop the warming! climate activists for freedom! Call for action net years in prison each.

Stop the police warming! climate activists for freedom! Call for action