Thursday, December 10, 2009

Canyou Give Valium To Dogs

Appeals: See you in Copenhagen ...

Copenhagen - now ... We present the new version of Blog against incinerator Raibano:
. A blog was created to promote communication

low against the policy of incineration plant implemented Hera Raibano (Rimini) and propose strategies and solutions n ew

effective, more sustainable, less polluting, and less expensive un'impianto incineration. The site would be a meeting and discussion between all the various committees over the years have fought for a different

Provincial Waste Plan and be able to make it even more cohesive this synergy.

But above all wants to give voice to
than 6,500 signatures
citizens of Rimini, collected in just three months against this expensive and unhealthy way of managing waste.
And also to present the video that tells the story of mobilization was born three years ago to Social Laboratory Paz around the same theme.
See you in Copenhagen ... common heritage to come back and share with new ways to defend the territory and human dignity.
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Rimini ... See you in Copenhagen

See you in Copenhagen ...


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