Thursday, December 31, 2009

Got My Genital Warts Frozen

The video that chronicles the protests against the incinerator Raibano

Luca libero subito! Thought year-end from Denmark
Cop.enhagen Letter from Luca Tornatore and other activists still detained in the prisons of the COP 15 days from the Danish

There's something rotten (not only) in Denmark. It 'a fact that thousands of people have been considered, without any evidence, a threat to society. Hundreds of them were arrested and some are still in prison, awaiting trial or under investigation. Among them We, the signatories of this lettera.Vorremmo tell the story from the peculiar ..
. "

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Honey Onyx Tile Installation

See you in Copenhagen.

Who are YU?
brief reflection after cop.enaghen L. Casarini If some concrete action needed to describe the level of subordination to the U.S. to have Obama to China, we thought the failed UN climate conference in Copenhagen to supply it. Wen Jiabao, President of the country / continent that counts to his credit the highest growth rate ever recorded in the capitalist world, with the highest percentage of ...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 Playgound

public initiative in Rimini Rimini - December 7, 2009 Initiative ... See you in Copenhagen

Copenhagen: the story is over

Travelogue of the mobilizations against the Cop 15


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Canyou Give Valium To Dogs

Appeals: See you in Copenhagen ...

Copenhagen - now ... We present the new version of Blog against incinerator Raibano:
. A blog was created to promote communication

low against the policy of incineration plant implemented Hera Raibano (Rimini) and propose strategies and solutions n ew

effective, more sustainable, less polluting, and less expensive un'impianto incineration. The site would be a meeting and discussion between all the various committees over the years have fought for a different

Provincial Waste Plan and be able to make it even more cohesive this synergy.

But above all wants to give voice to
than 6,500 signatures
citizens of Rimini, collected in just three months against this expensive and unhealthy way of managing waste.
And also to present the video that tells the story of mobilization was born three years ago to Social Laboratory Paz around the same theme.
See you in Copenhagen ... common heritage to come back and share with new ways to defend the territory and human dignity.
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Rimini ... See you in Copenhagen

See you in Copenhagen ...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Frozen Yogurt Pos System

The story of the struggles against the incinerator in the Province of Rimini. A study by Paz Project

Sterling Party Wear Dress In Bangalore

Hera wants to bring hazardous waste to Raibano

realizzato @Paz Project

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cartoon Invite To Party

Rimini - Approved the authorization (AIA) that the start of incineration plant

  • Action network against the root causes of climate change at the December 2009 COP15 Climate Talks
    27th November 2009

    -> See you in Copenhagen Initiative published in Rimini December 7 @ 17:30 Osteria Harissa Some comrades Paz participate in the initiatives against the summit which will be in Copenhagen, on ' December 11 to 17, in the coexistence of the largest UN Conference on Climate Change (COP15), an event that is catalyzing an enormous global attention .... For some time now it is clear that the crisis of the capitalist system invests territories, spaces and forms of work and consequently the exploitation of the environment. We have for some time as a collective committed, so define it, ecological / environmental element as compared to non-minority social issues. Our , in fact, is the era of the precariousness of life, understood as bios, subsumed entirely within the social relations of capitalist exploitation. A bios, in which the size of the natural and the artificial have become indistinguishable, and are now continually redefined as the result of a dynamic interaction of a complex relationship between man and nature. It 'just from this conversation that we would like our participation in the rallies, which will be in Copenhagen may be the common heritage of us all and which could be an opportunity to resume The common reasoning started a few years ago, the Laboratory Paz
    around the environmental issue / area / commons from the experience of local committees. The form will surely change, but the common heritage

    Info: lab.paz @ -


    Climate-justice-action Towards COP15 - Archive Articles project by Global