Thursday, February 12, 2009

What Goes Well With A Light Grey Suit

We have today received confirmation that the bureaucratic procedures for the release of the AIA (IPPC), issued by provinvia of Rimini for the construction of the fourth furnace of 'incinerator has finished and will be formalized in a few days and reported to various bodies.
This permission does not in any way given the many alternative proposals made by various committees cittadini.Sono been searched and studied the most advanced technological systems such as the replacement for incineration of waste separation in cold and found that one-fifth of the price we get the same result without avvelenarci.Abbiamo learned that in Italy there are areas of consortia that serve 300,000 users with a service door to door that costs 30% less waste of our tax Hera mind for the same service that the plan would also aumentarla.E waste fails to comply with laws that put the disposal by burning in last place and as a last resort.
All this has been observed and proposed to the various administrations and first in the province but we have received at most one rigraziamento for the excellent work by deaf ears because they did not want to hear.


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