We have previously analyzed the historical aspects and character of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier has now come the time to analyze the standard regarding the physical and structural, to do this I propose to you an extract taken directly from the documents of the FCI (FCI).
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Standard FCI
76 / B
Del 24/06/1987, race N ° 125
"Short, deep with a broad skull, very pronounced cheek muscles, stop marked short snout, black truffle. "
important and must appear as the general appearance of the dog must be given its powerful features the power of the masseter and the stop well defined, wide and deep, including the 1:2 ratio between muzzle and skull, truffle never clear of other colors.
often disagree among different heads Staffy breeders more than "bull type" or "type terrier" in the respective cases where we see some characteristics of exasperation.
There can be no "standard" there is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, which is why the right "measures" are in the middle.
If we find long narrow heads and stop just marked, we are facing an incorrect type.
main feature of this type of dog you own (let this term) the "plastic power" if we lose the character will lose the race itself.
Eyes "Preferably dark, but may vary related to coat color.
Round of medium size, and set to look straight ahead, eyelids dark. "
The expression is fundamental.
The eyes may be light colored in any circumstances, let alone a different color.
Only those dogs with a white head is presumed always limited depigmentation of the eyelids when the eye is dark.
also be distant from them in order to give the dog a stern expression, otherwise the expression would be giving a distorted impression of falsity.
"A pink or semi erect, neither big nor heavy. Large ears, drop or pricked highly undesirable. "
The ears are very important to the overall appearance of the Staffy, despite being accepted by the standard if we compare two dogs with a perfectly pink ears and a semi-erect ears with the second we see a little impact 'on 'general appearance of the head making it seem less important.
"Lips tight and clean. Jaws strong, teeth large, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, CIE upper teeth fit perfectly with the lower ones and are perpendicular to the jaws. "
" Muscular rather short, narrow at the top and that is gradually widening towards shoulders. "
Again, you should always take account of the harmony of the figure in general, let us remember that the Staffy is an athlete born and then the neck should not be so short as to prevent the dog to move properly affected his agility.
"Compact, with a straight top line, broad forehead, deep chest and down, well sprung ribs, muscular and well designed."
This section shall also illustrate the overall shape of the dog and then give a feeling power contained in "limited space". Large
for proper breathing, back straight, unfair, those dogs with dimples in the middle of the back pain symptom of a structure made up of scoliosis that may cause problems and so on.
"Straight and strong bones, rather than distance between them, without weakness at the pasterns, from which point the feet turn out slightly. Shoulders very solid, oblique and elbows loose. "
Again, the picture must be powerful and muscular limbs then surely we will see, correct limbs give way to the chest which dominates the picture, as mentioned in the standard can detect a slight left-handedness.
"well muscled, well angulated hocks low with knees, Viewed from behind parallel. "
The hind legs are the tools thrust of our dog, they must be strong and muscular, especially parallel, very important to verify that there are abnormalities in movement and posture which can then lead to muscle and joint problems.
Feet "with elastic bearings, strong and of medium size. Nails black in solid-color dogs. "
"Medium length, low set, tapering towards the tip and carried rather low. Does not curve too much. "
commonly is said to" pump handle "because you remember.

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