As you may know by all means of information (and misinformation) available to us, on 11 March (the date now regarded as cursed), made landfall on Japan an unprecedented cataclysm. The combo earthquake + tsunami proved so devastating as to render useless the efforts of all technological country of the rising sun against a plague that they know all too well. It is no coincidence that the most used word at the moment is the tsunami, and Japanese.
The coasts of north-east of the country have been afflicted with an incredible violence and the Tsunami, the Great Wave, swept away people, cars, houses. Only in the prefecture of Miyagi, the most affected, we speak than 10,000 dead and alone on the beach in Sendai 300 bodies have been recovered. Now in that area there is almost nothing ...
And to make matters worse, the Fukushima nuclear power plant suffered severe damage, feeding on people (especially in foreign countries) the nightmare of a nuclear disaster.
These are the facts.
For myself, I always felt deep sadness in seeing the destruction and damage in a short we saw the eagle and Haiti fall. See what it can do terrible destruction, and sometimes the words are so full of himself that it might be better to remain silent and respect the grief of those who experience such tragedies on their skin.
This time, however, the words coming out of the sun, from the heart to say.
I loved Japan and I still come back to revisit these places and these faces.
Nihon entered my heart, as if it were a second Italy (because the first thing I feel Italian, I love my country and do not let it except in extreme cases).
Magone when I have the photos on my trip, just a year ago, though Tokyo has suffered little damage ... I get the chills, however, because the quake was of 8.9 on the Richter scale, I do not know how many times more powerful that Aquila and yet the buildings have stood because they are made consciously ... If it were not for the big wave, which has taken away the coast, as if everything on its passage was small and insignificant the death toll would not have been so great and cruel ... The Great Wave has proved its power once again, as happened in the past. Faced with this incredible strength we are all too small.
not want to talk about the recent controversy over nuclear profiteering ... consider the behavior of politicians in the West half ... I find it horrendous that both sides will exploit a tragedy in progress and you give up for dead when the Japanese still Fukushima is not Chernobyl.
From Italian love Japan and I weep for the devastation that the Japanese people must endure, despite their immense strength and their will.
I am sure that Japan will rise again, as it always has. The Japanese
for us Italians are almost aliens, as workaholics and cold ... even in the darkest tragedy, I heard Western reporters (and in my case, mostly Italians) do not be surprised to see the scenes of collective hysteria and calm "surreal" of the Japanese ... I read about an Italian who settled in Tokyo to work for years, feel the terror within him grow but still adapt to the Japanese and quiet back to the office despite the huge shock ... to work.
must not understand the Japanese ... for their efforts is a philosophy of life remains a mystery. We can not and we should not try to compare their actions and their feelings with ours, because we come from opposite sides of the world, we simply have to learn.
Their lifestyle and their mentality is the result of all that have past and all they had to do to come out of isolation (do not forget that they were obliged to do so).
The Japanese fight, learn and pass and will do so again this time. We, as part of the same world, we must support them.
EDIT: Thanks to my friend Loco, I came across a nice piece that I agree with you -> link
I avoided discussing certain things in this post but maybe I should. The first thing that made me fall in love with Japan, I can not deny are the manga and anime.
you remember that horrible September 11? How many of you thought the last film of Bruce Willis when they saw those two planes crash into the sides of the tower? It did not seem "out of a movie? I ask because there are people who wonder if we can think of having this or that scene in manga or anime ... It is not the same thing? It is not simply "throw it on the anime" ... it is simply normal to the parallel scenes you've seen in fiction. and 'a way to say "it seems so unreal that came out of a work of fiction." What is, is good for Americans and the Japanese right? Just because they are the "hated manga?
In particular, I write the following, tying the post just linked.
wonder why I'm happy to know that the fathers and mothers of those stories are amazing right? Why wonder if I'm sad (very sad) I do not know what happened to?
You have cried for Michael Jackson, Mike Bongiorno & Company ... I would cry if he were getting news that people like Rumiko Takahashi (which luckily is fine), Naoko Takeuchi, Masakasu Katsura and many others are gone, then in such a cruel way. A lot of these names you will not tell you anything but I say a lot: the manga and anime have characterized my first school style. Not only that marked most of my childhood and my adolescence. No, I'm not ashamed to be worried about them, and this in no way restricts my sorrow to all the Japanese involved. I realize not only because of the tragedy to be involved are illustrators, creators, mangaka, character designers and developers (as someone wrote). And frankly I do not care all those who consider "kids" who try things that I feel ... like to read manga are only teenagers (alarm, manga have come here in Italy quite a few years ago ... now we are adults!). Again, those who decry the manga, and manga fans wasted no opportunity to be quiet ...