How many times we happened to see our little friends coughing or sneezing, and so on and so forth, to follow immediately with a quick ride to the vet? ?!
course our dog is not nothing but a common cold or even influence gut ... but what a fright!
agree with me that after several years of experience with the pups they arrange some 'alone but also more ...
will never deny a visit from vetrinario more if the situation just does not convince us, always better to have less than € 15 in your pocket to be calm, but that does not live a week with the father's heart!
However, for those small and normal seasonal acciacchetti who live with us, especially if dogs have a very bright, are there any home remedies or natural if you want to you to adjust the situation and are not medicines.
Below is a list of "things" that we use for the welfare of our friends ...
- LAUREL - Trauma: The OleOle fruit is effective in bruises, strains, sprains muscle contusion is obviously copnsigliabile consult your vet and remember that the ointment should penetrate through the hair.
- ALOE - which helps maintain health in all aspects of Cane.L 'aloe drink is administered in the form of the daily diet. It has a tonic effect, maintains a healthy appetite, suppleness in the joints and revitalizes your energy level. He also has a calming effect, which reduces the sensitivity to external agents in the animal irritants. Do not forget to use it in case of skin irritation and burns (very useful in summer for those who go to sea).
- HAWTHORN - I use it with lettuce and Melissa, like relaxing for my dogs during the heat, especially before going to sleep, are very relaxing as nervous system damage and drowsiness.
- CHAMOMILE - against the 'eye inflammation, apply to the eyes or clean with a swab nell'infuso, it's good for both dogs and cats for a bit' of consistency are achieved excellent results.
- PROPOLIS - valuable help to remove phlegm, without exceeding a spoon in doses two to three times per day, alcohol-free syrup.